Increase revenue through Sales Excellence

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Enabling Sales Forces

Find out about Enablement, the most trendy and confusing word of modern sales terminology!   Having the right person in front of the customer, equipped with the right knowledge and skills and providing exactly what the prospective customer wants is crucial in closing the deal. And it is not easy! 

Leadership: Sales vs. Marketing


SALES vs. MARKETING Series. Posts comparing how these two disciplines approach a similar commercial topic.       Find out the key elements of leading effectively a Sales team and compare with those of a Marketing team. The same general Leadership principles apply but there are distinctive differences, which one must master, especially when a new role demands to manage or interact closely with these disciplines.

Why do women dislike Sales?

The facts1 are compelling: only 2 out of 10 leading positions in sales are occupied by women! This compares with close to 50% in finance, communications, customer service, and HR functions.

Why is that and what can be done to increase diversity with all its undisputable benefits?

Sales’ next day, post Covid 19: three areas to act asap.

We are entering a new stormy era. Action is urgently needed for Sales! Read my article of how to best respond as a sales leader.